The pure art form
The amazing thing about writing is this: anyone can do it. It’s all the other stuff that gets in the way.
It all starts with writing
I realize my best videos came naturally out of my writing. My best-selling product is a 15,000-word guide that started as a blog post. My most impactful emails came from writing sessions where I really opened up my heart on the page.
Freewrite Alpha Review
The Freewrite Alpha is a romantic machine. It looks and sounds like a typewriter. It can go off the grid. It’s the kind of thing you can hammer away on at a coffee shop and turn the heads of a few hipsters.
Why You Need to Stop Using Common Expressions
Have you touched a duck before? Have the majority of people touched ducks before? Then why do we say “get your ducks in a row” so often?
Everything is theater (so take notes)
A staple in our culture has always been the theater. It’s taken different shapes over the centuries, but humans have always gathered to see a show.
The Man Who Knew All Things
There was once a man who knew all things. No joke. All things.
How To Write Sales Pages: Don’t Sell Too Soon
When I write sales pages, I make sure the very first thing a website visitor sees is a concise description of the product, and a clear button to buy it immediately. If someone arrives at the page, already convinced to buy from a previous ad or email, why is your sales page getting in the way of that?
Copywriting Tip: Sell What’s Priceless
Finding what’s priceless about your offering is essential to good copywriting–in marketing campaigns and one-off emails. It can be the backbone of the marketing that takes your business to the next level.
5 tips to make you a better copywriter right now
3. Jump straight into the action. In pitch decks and creative treatments, people feel like they need to ramp up into the action.
Shitty First Drafts: Anne Lamott’s (And Jordan Tarver’s) Advice For Young Creators
“Almost all good writing begins with terrible first efforts. You need to start somewhere. Start by getting something—anything—down on paper. What I’ve learned to do when I sit down to work on a shitty first draft is to quiet the voices in my head.”
How to Write a Great Bio for Your Photo or Video Website
Photographers and videographers amaze me with how terrible they usually are at copywriting. The most common questions I get from visual artists are about copywriting. How do I write a good bio? How do I pitch my services? How do I describe what I do? I get it. Copywriting can be tough. But with a little thinking and a little guidance, you’ll be writing a killer bio in no time.
Why You Should Keep Your Day Job (If you want to be a good writer)
Great writing does not exist in a vacuum. Great writing solves real problems for real people, pulling from real experience. Great writing is relatable, pulling poignant human truths from lived-in moments.
3 Copywriting Elements Every Freelance Website Must Have
If you’re a freelancer, you probably have a freelance website. But unless you’re a freelance copywriter (like me) you probably don’t know what to write on that website. Fear not. I’m a freelance copywriter and I’ve written copy for dozens of freelance and small business websites.
4 Tips to Improve Your Copywriting By The End of This Blog
Ditch The Common Metaphor. Common metaphors are a dime a dozen. What does a dime a dozen really mean to you, though? Probably not much, because you’ve never spent a dime on a dozen of anything.
4 Magical Things About Copywriting
This is the most magical thing to me. In almost every other creative discipline, you need to have supplies, materials, gear, or a team to pull them off. In writing, all you need is a blank page and an idea.
Creative Copywriting is More Essential Now Than Any Time In History
Since there’s more advertising now than ever before, there are fewer ways to stand out. Consumers don’t care that you ran an ad. They click “skip ad” faster than you can proposition your value. That’s not enough anymore. You need to be creative.
This Diamond Ad Will Make You Feel Wildly Insecure - Ads Review - De Beers Wedding Ring Print Ad
Everyone would describe their relationship with their significant other as priceless. You can’t put a figure on the worth of love. But De Beers does. They taunt the reader here, prodding for how much they’d be willing to spend to display their love for their fiancee.
Brand Insights From People Who Say The Name Wrong
When we got on set with the influencer, the brand obviously wanted their product called exactly the right thing. But when it was stuffed inside the full script, the influencer had a hard time remembering exactly what it was called. Every time he messed up, the brand producers on set spouted back the correct name, as if it wasn’t that hard.
Need Creative Copy Ideas? Read Customer Reviews.
If you stop to think about it, why wouldn’t you read reviews? The goal of advertising is to get inside the mind of the customer. To listen to them. To understand what inspired their purchase, and to use that in your marketing.
Another Shout-Out To Donald Miller’s SB7 Copywriting Framework
I’ve written about this framework dozens of times, and I’ve used the framework for clients hundreds of times. Its nothing new to me, but I wanted to give another shout-out to this framework because it recently helped me navigate a medium I was inexperienced with.