It’s not my job to complain

This one’s going to get a bit meta. 

I’ve been blogging every day so far this year. I did this in 2021, and during that time I discovered that occasionally, I’d hit a “hot streak” and write four or five blogs I was really excited about on back-to-back days. I also discovered dry periods—days when I had no good ideas, no inspiration, and not much desire to write. 

This became problematic when I remembered that I committed to publishing a blog every single day. The conclusion I eventually came to was this: it’s not my job to complain about not having any good ideas. It’s my job to go find inspiration and develop a good idea so I can write that day. 

Today was one of those days. I’ve been in a dry period for a few days now. These are days when I stare at the blinking cursor on my computer screen, while a river of bad ideas flows through my mind, so I watch each one pass by. Then I remembered my conclusion.

Usually, I go back to the well. You can’t write every day without reading a lot. So typically, I crack open the blogs of some of my favorite writers, scroll through old research, or read a chapter of a book I’m working through. This does enough. Instead, today, decided to write this meta blog about not complaining about a lack of ideas. 

The job of the hobbyist is to complain about a lack of ideas. The job of the writer is to find ideas and write anyway. 

Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


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