Reese Hopper Reese Hopper

Beat “the resistance”

As Steven Pressfield shares in “The War of Art,” there’s always so much resistance to doing creative work. The resistance shows up in cunning, crafty ways to block us from the creativity we so desire.

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Reese Hopper Reese Hopper

Views are down

How did you discover that views were down? Hopefully, by posting. I have a lot of respect for people who continue to put in the work, sharpen their sword, and stay in the game, even when the economy or the algorithm isn’t exactly in an optimal place.

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Reese Hopper Reese Hopper

My first book is finally here

Even after publishing over 700 articles on my website since 2018, writing 465 days in a row, and writing over a quarter of a million words…the resistance was still strong. The imposter syndrome was still there.

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Reese Hopper Reese Hopper

The Dip

If you’ve been on Instagram for a few years, your followers are probably made up of people you know. Friends, family, acquaintances. This creates a strange scenario if you’re thinking about posting consistent content to grow your audience.

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Reese Hopper Reese Hopper

How to actually post consistent content

I posted more than 100 short-form videos last year. And I’ll post 365 more videos this year. How am I so confident, even though my motivation is dwindling? It’s because I don’t rely on motivation. I rely on a system.

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Reese Hopper Reese Hopper

Mundane action with radical consistency 

I don’t brush my teeth every day, but once a year I spend all day brushing them to remove all the plaque at once. Do you see how ridiculous this sounds? Yet we apply this strategy to many areas of our lives.

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Reese Hopper Reese Hopper

PSA: post short-form video content

I often encounter photographers, graphic designers, and writers who refuse to post short-form video content. They miss the old days of Instagram, when images were king, and their content performed without them having to try very hard.

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Reese Hopper Reese Hopper

Big brands don’t care about your portfolio

Photographers and videographers (and all sorts of creative freelancers) spend tons of time tinkering with their portfolios, hoping that big brands will notice. What they don’t realize is that big brands are searching for something beyond just good work.

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Reese Hopper Reese Hopper

4 Lessons From a Viral Video

One of my videos is earning tens of thousands of views on Instagram. And counting. Amidst the scramble to respond to comments and messages, I’ve pulled a few lessons from this experience that I’d like to share.

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Reese Hopper Reese Hopper

The 1,000 Run Swing

Baseball has a truncated outcome distribution. When you swing, no matter how well you connect with the ball, the most runs you can get is four. In business, every once in a while, when you step up to the plate, you can score 1,000 runs.

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Reese Hopper Reese Hopper

Want to level up? Get over yourself 

We all got into this game because the feeling of turning ideas into reality is unmatched. Like a drug, it’s euphoric. And like a drug, it’s addictive and debilitating.

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Reese Hopper Reese Hopper

Can you say the same thing twice?

If you feel like people won’t respond to your work because you’ve already published something similar, that’s just resistance talking. They barely, barely remember what you published last week…

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Reese Hopper Reese Hopper

The best part of the movie

The best part of a movie is the monologue. The main character finally decides to speak up, inspire their companions, and face up to the challenge. These scenes give us chills, and live long lives in our minds after the credits roll.

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Reese Hopper Reese Hopper

Curation is more important than ever

I barely believed it when I read it, but Barnes and Noble grew by 4% last year. They’re in pursuit of opening 30 new stores this year. Even in the shadow of Amazon, which offers every book cheaper and faster, Barnes and Noble is expanding.

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Reese Hopper Reese Hopper

I hope this book sucks.

I just received a proof copy for my first book. Still a way to go from here but it’s exciting to hold something in my hand. As I do, I can’t help but think one thing…I hope this book sucks.

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Reese Hopper Reese Hopper

Persona vs Person (Olivia Rodrigo’s Wisdom)

“Something that I learned very early on is the importance of separating person versus persona. When people who don't know me are criticizing me, they're criticizing my persona, not my person.”
–Olivia Rodrigo

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Reese Hopper Reese Hopper

Fake humility is the reason you don’t post your work

We convince ourselves not to share our work out of fake humility. We tell ourselves that not posting really is a generous act because we aren’t bothering anyone. Our meekness is a moralistic leg up in our minds—at least I’m not clawing for attention like that guy!

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Reese Hopper Reese Hopper

$100k isn’t $100k anymore

I became aware of the idea of the $100,000 salary in 2005, and have held that number in my mind since then as a benchmark. Here’s the crazy thing. 2005’s $100,000 only has the equivalent buying power of $66,000 in 2023’s money.

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