Self-focus vs audience-focus
This self-focused view made my upcoming talk nerve-racking. As I prepared for the talk, I had a third-person imagination of myself, thinking about how people would view me, how I would sound, and if I would come across as cool and smart.
Optimizing a client’s experience
Sure, on paper, you could make an argument that your assets are a better value, or higher quality than your competition. But if the experience of service is not up to the client’s expectations, it doesn’t matter.
No replacement for doing it
You can read about it, talk about it, listen to podcasts about it, plan for it, vision-board it, and dream about it. But none of those things teach you even close to the amount you will learn once you finally…do it.
What does it take to write a book?
“Don’t try to write a book; try to become somebody who enjoys writing everyday.”
Free two-week vacation
We never feel like we have enough time. We watch the months and years go by, seeing our dreams get smaller and smaller in the rearview, never finding a moment to make them happen.
Suspend disbelief by working with a group
“People might be skeptical about their ability to change if they’re by themselves, but a group will convince them to suspend disbelief.”
How to make a killing with your iPhone
If you’ve ever wondered how these advertising agencies and production companies get away with charging more than $100,000 for a 30-second Instagram video shot on an iPhone, I’m about to tell you.
Stop squeezing every last drop
“I’m not interested in squeezing something so tight that I get every last drop.”
Art is high cost and low benefit (at least at first)
“The majority of tasks we procrastinate on are usually high in immediate costs but low in immediate benefits, thus making them unattractive in the short run.”
How supply and demand affect your video views
I’ve taken a number of paid online courses with video content. None of those videos come remotely close to the quality of editing and information available for free on YouTube. In fact, the most engaging and interesting content is available for free on social media.
Engaging with lasting work
As someone in high school in the late 2000s and early 2010s, I spent a microscopic amount of time actually reading classic novels, or watching award-winning movies, or seeing great paintings.
It’s not a principle until it costs you money
In 1964, when the U.S. Surgeon General issued a warning about cigarette smoking, Bill Bernbach decided he wouldn’t be in that corner of the business anymore.
When constraint becomes freedom
Recently, an artist told me about the freedom she feels when she commits to creating every day, even on days when she doesn’t feel like it.
How to be truly original (and get paid for it)
Every aspect of Martha Stewart’s life came together to make her empire possible: gardening, hosting, modeling, Wall Street, publishing.
The most important thing you can do is breathe
You might have a few minutes to cram, or double check information, but the best thing you can do for yourself, with so little time left, is breathe.
We pull the rug of success from under our feet
It’s exciting to find someone who speaks your language. It’s enticing to jump on board with a new style of thought. It’s tempting to synthesize methods from a number of great teachers, because we feel like we’re getting the best of all worlds. As someone who’s done it a lot, I know.
Our need to be the best robs us
In five two-minute rounds of Boggle, I scored 15 points. My wife scored 50. She crushes me (and most people) at this game. I knew this going in.
Beware this “budget black hole”
Creative development is one of those “budget black holes” in the production process. We don’t charge enough for it, clients don’t want to pay for it, and we spend way too much time doing it.
Ghosting yourself
When we see a goal fall out of consistency, we ghost the idea of it. We avoid questions about it and we avoid thinking about it because we feel guilty when we finally remember.
Quitting after 8% is ridiculous
Giving up on your 2025 goals by the end of January is ridiculous. January represents a little more than 8% of the year.