The Producing Guide

A readable, searchable, easy-to-use guide that teaches you how to run $50k-$200k video productions.

What’s inside?

  • A clear and concise guide to producing videos in 2024

  • The dashboard I use to keep every production organized

  • “The Breakdown” (my top three tips for every aspect of a video production)

  • Templates for budgets, call sheets, emails, outreach, negotiation, and more

  • The mindset and workflow you need to be a good producer

  • An exclusive Q&A line directly to my inbox

  • Lifetime access via this website, and a downloadable backup

What people say...

  • "The guide is SO good👌"

    –Dan U.


  • "This stuff is great. Very helpful."

    –Jonathan W.


  • "Amazing work. Super helpful and thorough."

    –Matt H.


  • "I just used your budget download to land a $500k job!"

    —Jake L.



Calling all “one-man show” videographers!

If you usually work as a one-man show…

and your goal is to work on bigger productions…

I wrote the Producing Guide just for you.


Most videographers never grow past their “one-man show” mentality.

They check the boxes creatively but they don’t know how to: 

  • Manage a team

  • Balance a production budget

  • Hire talent and crew

  • Get permits 

  • Negotiate rates 

…and these are just the small problems.


Self-sabotage is the big problem. 

All this stuff you don’t know? 

It leads to self-sabotage. 

Videographers want to produce and direct bigger campaigns… 

…but they get in their own way because they’re afraid of failure. 

They self-sabotage by:

  • Procrastinating on pitching 

  • Pitching too low to be taken seriously

  • Avoiding production questions with clients

Videographers are afraid to fail, so they stop themselves before they even have a chance to succeed.


I’m here to change that.

I’m Reese. I’ve been a producer since 2015. 

I’ve produced campaigns for:

  • The NFL

  • Red Bull

  • The Chainsmokers

  • Capital One

  • DJI

…and many more. 

I’ve helped big solo creators like @Jacob and @thatoneblondkid turn their one-man shows into dialed-in productions.

With this guide, I can help you, too. 

Here’s how it works.

  1. Purchase The Producing Guide and get it in your inbox immediately.

  2. Crack it open and start learning how to produce $50k-$200k commercials and music videos today.

  3. Use the dashboard, budget, and outreach templates to save hours and thousands on your next production.

  4. Easily search and reference the guide whenever you have questions later.

  5. Use the Q&A inbox to send me a message with any specific questions or problems you face.


Or, you could try it on your own.

That’s what I did.

I wouldn’t recommend it.

I wrote this guide to help videographers avoid the production mistakes that cost me hundreds of hours and tens of thousands of dollars early in my career.

I learned these lessons the long, expensive, and hard way… so you could learn them the quick, cheap, and easy way.


You need to achieve your goals.

Think back to this time last year. You were hoping to be a lot further along in your career by now, right?

There’s only one reason your career hasn’t grown the way you hoped…

…you haven’t invested in it.

Stop waiting. Stop playing scared. No one is going to invest in your career for you. You have to be the one to do it.

Get The Producing Guide and start leveling up today.

Plus, with my 100% satisfaction guarantee, the only risk is not getting The Producing Guide.

Who is this guy?

I’m Reese Hopper.

I’ve been a producer since 2015. 

I’ve produced campaigns for:

  • The NFL

  • Red Bull

  • The Chainsmokers

  • Capital One

  • DJI

And many more. 

I’ve helped big solo creators (like @Jacob and @thatoneblondkid) turn their one-man shows into dialed-in productions.

With this guide, I can help you, too. 

$107 sounds expensive, doesn’t it? 

It sure does.
Until you start thinking about more expensive things like…

  • $5,000+ per day

    Production shut down
    due to improper permits

  • $3,000 per day

    Getting fleeced by a talent agency
    due to inexperience

  • $1,000 - $10,000+

    Budget going upside down
    due to disorganized systems

  • 10% Late Fees

    Late payments to crew
    due to poor organization

  • $200 per overtime hour

    Shoot schedule delays
    due to inefficient scheduling


“I hope I can work on bigger productions…”

You said this last year.

Don’t reach the end of another year saying the same thing.


The question is… will you?

The question is not “can you work on bigger productions?”

We both know you can. 

The question is…will you?

Will you take the time to level up?


Will you take yourself seriously enough to invest?

Will you stop self-sabotaging?

Will you learn what you need to know to produce bigger videos?

Will you become who we both know you can be?

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

If you get the guide, and you don’t like it (for any reason), you can email me for a full refund.

No questions asked.