It all starts with writing
This is something I’m telling myself this year.
It all starts with writing.
I’ve been hyper-focused on my writing in the past. I published a blog every day from September 22 2020 until December 31st, 2021. 465 in a row. It led me to such rich thinking, and kickstarted the process for my first book.
Since then, I’ve been less focused on writing. For the past two years I’ve been more focused on video-making than writing. I’ve been more focused on creating products and marketing them than simply writing.
When I look back, I realize my best videos came naturally out of my writing. My best-selling product is a 15,000-word guide that started as a blog post. My most impactful emails came from writing sessions where I really opened up my heart on the page.
All of my best work? It all starts with writing.
That’s why I’m committing to more writing this year—I don’t quite know if it’ll be every day, or more like five days a week, but I’m getting this blog up to full-speed again. I’m doing another goal-setting session this weekend, and will come back with a firm commitment next week.
Here are some things for you to consider in the meantime:
Where does it all start for you?
What is the key action that leads to all the other good actions in your business and your life?
How can you do more of that?