Good enough isn’t enough

“Why don’t I have 100,000 followers? My content is good enough.”

Have you ever had a thought like this before? Have you ever seen someone else’s content, someone who had a much larger audience than you, and thought that your content is good enough to have what they have? You may have even seen content worse than yours, still garnering a bigger audience.

It’s fair to feel like this isn’t fair. But asking if your content is “good enough” might not be the right question. 

It might be better to ask “is my content different enough?” Another helpful question: is my content consistent enough? Am I being vulnerable enough? Is this audience hungry enough? Is my content valuable enough? 

These are all pieces to the puzzle in going viral and growing an audience. Being good enough isn’t enough. It needs to be consistent enough, different enough, vulnerable enough, for an audience that wants it enough. 

Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


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