Each moment screams for existence

Today was an impossibly busy day. I wasn’t on five calls. I wasn’t on six. I wasn’t on seven or eight. I was on nine phone calls today, and had to get a lot of other work done along the way.

One thought that has been encouraging me the past few weeks is a poem from my friend, Eric. Here’s just an excerpt.

Each moment screams for existence and battles against indifference:
apathy is the killer of souls, numbness is the cancer of being.
Breathe it all in: putrid to sweet.
It means that

Even the crazy days, the busy days, the days when everyone won’t stop asking us for things…maybe especially these days…they scream for existence.

Will we listen? Or will we shy away? Will we let the wave crash into us, and knock us back? Will we accept the experience, salty and cold, as something in its own way, wonderful?

Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


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