Every Artist You Love is Busy


Every prolific person is busy. Every creator and artist you’ve ever admired has been busy. They all had social lives, and obligations, and nuisances, and vices. 

Im reading a book called Daily Rituals: How Artists Work by Mason Currey. It’s far more fascinating than it is helpful, as Currey doesn’t really stop to analyze the rituals. From Kierkegaard to Warhol to Beethoven to Orwell–this book offers brief, entertaining descriptions of the habits of some of the most prolific creators in history. 

Aside from alcoholism, the only thing these creators have in common is a strict adherence to their schedules amidst busy lives. 

Take Mozart. When he lived in Vienna, he was inundated with “a frantic round of piano lessons, concert performances, and social visits with the city’s wealthy patrons.” As his success crew, and the opportunities with it, one of the greatest composers ever had a laundry list of obligations.

Even still, every night when he got home, he set aside time to compose for at least a few hours.

Maybe you feel that if only you didn’t have a full-time job, or kids, or a family to take care of, or needy clients, or a lively social life, you would finally have time to create.

Guess what? All of your favorite artists had all of those things, too. And they still created.

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Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


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