Behavioral Interview


In 2019, one of my clients asked me to find him an intern. The intern needed to be hungry, smart, and humble. 

The trouble was, I hired some so-so interns the past. People who just wanted to rub elbows, who didn’t work hard, who were entitled. 

Luckily, I was really busy the week that my client asked me to find the intern. I didn’t have time to chat with all of the applicants individually, and listen to their goals. And that’s when I came up with my best idea yet. I emailed everyone who said they were interested at 10pm, asking them to call me the next morning at 7am. 

Only one of them did. 

More than two years later, he’s still working with my client, managing social accounts for amazing brands like Red Bull and Sea-Doo. 

When he called me early that day, I told him to go back to bed. He passed the test. We got lunch later that week, and he started working with us the week after that.

This was a behavioral gut check. By asking him to call me at 7am, I quickly found out whether he was the type to show up. Whether he was hungry for it. 

By no means am I a master at behavioral interview questions. But this strategy led me to finding a real gem. 

Good luck out there!

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Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


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