Ads Review - The Bouqs Co. Mom's Pretend Like Face

This week for the Ads Review, I’m breaking down a digital spot from The Bouqs Co called Mom’s Pretend Like Face. The Bouqs Co is a flower delivery service that offers one-time deliveries and subscriptions. This spot was a slam dunk on a few ad-writing best practices, so I wanted to break them down for you. Check out the spot and then let’s talk about it.

Agitate The Fear

Every ad copywriting teacher will tell you that you need to agitate the fear in customers’ minds. Humans are psychologically more likely to avoid a negative experience than they are to pursue a positive experience. This probably comes down to human survival instincts, but the point is clear: Bouqs agitates the fear of getting your mom a gift she doesn’t really like. But watch out, because there’s a fine line between between agitating the fear, and exasperating it. Exasperating the fear makes people more likely to forget the experience, as a sort of denial technique. Bouqs nails this strategy by touching on the pretend like face for a few seconds, but not taking it too far.

Highlight a Relatable Experience 

The best moments in the history of advertising have brought people together under the reality of a shared, relatable experience. Bouqs nails this one. Everyone knows what it feels like to receive a gift they don’t really like, and everyone has put on their own pretend like face. Since this experience is so relatable for so many, the agitated fear runs deeper than usual, and creates a fun ad.

Defeat The Objection

Another classic copywriting technique is to defeat the customer’s main objection in the ad. Bouqs does this with their tagline, “Long-Lasting Flowers.” The first objection most people have towards buying flowers is the fact that they die relatively quickly. Who knows how much longer Bouqs flowers last compared to normal flowers, but the strategy is well-executed. Your first objection was likely defeated. 


All in all, The Bouqs Co. did a great job with this ad. By finishing it off with positive shots of moms enjoying their flowers, they show the customer what their mom could look like on Mother’s Day. 

I hope these ad copywriting best practices have been helpful. For more Ads Reviews, click here. 

Have a great day! 

Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


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