Reese Hopper Reese Hopper

Why Hyundai’s Ads Suck On Purpose

There’s a Hyundai commercial I see all the time when I’m watching baseball that I hate. It’s so conventional. It tries so hard to be cool, but falls short in a huge way. Like the dad cracking jokes at the cookout, but he’s wearing New Balance 624s and has his Samsung on a belt clip.

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Reese Hopper Reese Hopper

The Timeline of Interest in Advertising

In advertising, unexpected things capture consumer attention. Expected things don’t capture consumer attention–they fall on deaf ears and glazed-over eyes. And somewhere in the middle of unexpected and expected, advertising is proven to be low-risk and effective.

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Reese Hopper Reese Hopper

Please Don’t Buy Mixwell - The unethical ad campaign is impossible to ignore–yet completely unpersuasive 

Sparkling beverage brand Mixwell is asking people to not buy their drinks. Well, not all people. They recently published a statement, a series of videos, and a collection of bus stop ads asking specific people, who hold a specific set of beliefs, not to buy their products. I’m here to break down why Mixwell’s campaign is actually unpersuasive and unethical–even while being genuinely impossible to ignore.

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Reese Hopper Reese Hopper

Polestar 2. 100% Electric - Ads Review

Leveraging environmentalism for advertising can be a polarizing move. Get too moral about it, and half of your audience shuts off. Polestar nailed this ad by using a real influencer, telling a story, and acknowledging both sides of the issue.

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Reese Hopper Reese Hopper

DJI OM 5 - Ads Review

It was a huge priority for us to showcase as much diversity as we could. Ethnic diversity, scenic diversity, and diversity of activities. Finding models and talent that had unique skills helped us differentiate this ad from the usual.

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Reese Hopper Reese Hopper

Ads Review - Why Native Ads Work

So when I’m on YouTube, and Paramount shows me a two-minute trailer for their new movie, I’m willing to watch it. I’m on YouTube to watch content like that anyway, so now I get to see something interesting, and then I get to watch the video I wanted to watch. But when Toyota shows me a 15-second, highly produced ad about their summer car sale, I skip it. I’m not there to see content like that.

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Reese Hopper Reese Hopper

Ads Review - Axe Find Your Magic 

Axe launched their Find Your Magic campaign a few years ago, and since then have completely rebranded into an inclusive and encouraging voice in the men’s hygiene space. Getting people to take you seriously after being the GoDaddy of deodorant is tough. But Axe did it by being self-aware.

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Reese Hopper Reese Hopper

Ads Review - A St. Patrick’s Day Message From Guinness 2020

Customers were feeling a whirlwind of emotions, as were restaurants, bars, brands, and all businesses. No one knew what was coming next, and everyone was so busy putting their own affairs in order, and hunkering down, that no one had time to say a word. Except Guinness.

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Reese Hopper Reese Hopper

Ads Review - A Brief History of B&H 

99 times out of 100, it’s unadvisable for a company to tell their history in an ad. Customers don’t care. But this video has 65 million views, a 95% like rate, and hundreds of super fans in the comments expressing how much they love the ad and the company.

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