Do What You Love - 2 of 3

If you’re looking to grow an audience online, make sure you’re doing something you love. That’s the only way it will be sustainable.

Often, people look at the landscape of content and pick something that is trendy or cool. Look at the boom of travel content creators in the past 4 years. Or the boom of people being DJs the 4 years before that. There’s nothing wrong with either of these things, and they’re genuinely enjoyable, but it was obvious that the gold rush outweighed the genuine passion for many people. 

Like I mentioned in yesterday’s blog, growing an audience takes years of consistently publishing online. There will be a gap of 1-3 years at the beginning in which not many people know who you are. The only way you’ll make it through this gap is if you genuinely enjoy what you’re creating. 

Additionally, passion translates online. You’ll have a much better chance of connecting with an excited audience if they can tell you love what you’re doing. Online content thrives on authenticity, as it’s the main differentiator from broadcast content. People online know when you’re faking it, and they’ll quickly go find someone who’s not. 

In short, make sure you’re being real with yourself and choose something you really love.

Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


What You Love is Cool (to some people) - 3 of 3


There Are No Gatekeepers - 1 of 3