What You Love is Cool (to some people) - 3 of 3

Yesterday, I wrote about doing what you love if you’re building an audience online. But what if what you love is not that cool? It’s easy for other people to make content about international travel or pop music or major sports. But what if you’re into furniture restoration or miniature painting or luxury pens? 

Just because you don’t know anyone in your immediate network who loves what you love, it doesn’t mean there aren’t others out there. Believe it or not, loving something that isn’t mainstream is actually good news when growing an audience. With popular content, there are endless options. You get lost in an ocean of google searches. But with niche content, there are only a few options.

My friend Jesse has a YouTube channel about his path to creating the world’s first fully recycled disc for disc golf. He started posting on YouTube 3 months ago, but if you google video search “recycled disc disc golf” he ranks at the top. How many other 3-month old YouTuber channels rank at the top of a google search that isn’t their name? Not many. Jesse connects with people who love recycling and disc golf, and gives them the content they’ve always wanted. 

Don’t be afraid to start if what you love isn’t cool. Just post it. The people who love it too will find you soon enough, and you’ll be the coolest person in the world to them. 

Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


Enjoying A Stressful Life


Do What You Love - 2 of 3