How Urgency Affects Our Decision-Making

Urgency makes decisions easy. When we’re up against the clock, decisions must be made. When we’re faced with a possible missed opportunity if we don’t make a decision, decision-making is cake. 

A lack of urgency makes decisions difficult. When there are no due dates and no repercussions for not delivering, decisions don’t get made. Somewhere along the way of telling ourselves we’ll do more research, and wait for someone to get back to us, our personal goals go unaccomplished. Our potential goes undiscovered. 

This is wildly ironic. When we’re up against the clock, we make worse decisions. We have fewer options, we have more stress, and we have depleted budgets. But so many of us wait until we’re faced with a possible missed opportunity before we pull the trigger on things.

I’ve been indecisive to a fault, especially on personal creative projects. I’m beginning to believe the key to accomplishing goals, and achieving potential, is the confidence to make decisions when there is no urgency at all. 

Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


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