Stop squeezing every last drop
“I’m not interested in squeezing something so tight that I get every last drop.”
Engaging with lasting work
As someone in high school in the late 2000s and early 2010s, I spent a microscopic amount of time actually reading classic novels, or watching award-winning movies, or seeing great paintings.
It’s not a principle until it costs you money
In 1964, when the U.S. Surgeon General issued a warning about cigarette smoking, Bill Bernbach decided he wouldn’t be in that corner of the business anymore.
Our need to be the best robs us
In five two-minute rounds of Boggle, I scored 15 points. My wife scored 50. She crushes me (and most people) at this game. I knew this going in.
When “good ideas spiral into dogma”
For better and for worse, we extrapolate success from one area to another.