Getting into (and out of) a rut 

how to get out of a rut

One thing I’ve learned about life is that sometimes you just get into a funk. 

Sometimes you fall into a rut. Everything is annoying and nothing seems like it’s going to work and it feels like you’re stuck inside a black and white photograph, slowly deteriorating in a box in God’s attic. 

Sometimes our lives require great change. A shake on the shoulders and a kick in the butt is what we need. Sometimes when things aren’t working we need to change things so they start working. 

But most of the time…we’re just in a funk. And we need to snap out of it.

Highly productive, happy people have a way of getting out of these ruts quicker than most. They recognize the rut, and they do what they need to do to get out of it. They go on a jog or take a warm bath or get an ice cream cone or vent to a friend. They take an hour or two to do what they need to do to get out of the rut. 

They do this to save time, sure. But mainly they do it to keep themselves on the path. Don’t think too much of the rut. Don’t change course. 

Because what if we were on the right path all along? What if it was just a funk?

Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


Irresponsible Thinking


Fake humility is the reason you don’t post your work