Fake humility is the reason you don’t post your work

fake humility

We convince ourselves not to share our work out of fake humility. 

We tell ourselves that not posting really is a generous act because we aren’t bothering anyone. Our meekness is a moralistic leg up in our minds—at least I’m not clawing for attention like that guy!

In reality, the desire to not share our work always comes from a place of pride. 

Our hesitancy to post comes from a place of self-protection. No one will realize that you aren’t a prodigy if you never share your work. Our meekness is a secluded studio loft in our minds, in which we are still undiscovered geniuses. 

In fact, sharing our work is an act of humility and generosity. 

It becomes immediately clear to everyone who sees that we aren’t secret geniuses the millisecond we release a project. Posting draws humility out of us, because we must accept that at one point in time, with the resources we had, this was the best we could do. Sharing our work forces us to be generous enough to say this isn’t perfect, but it can still be meaningful to someone out there. 

Why haven’t you posted today? 

Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


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