A Workaholic Whisper

I take weekends off now. I didn’t used to. I used to work Friday nights and Saturday mornings and I used to check my email on accident on Sundays. 

Now, I take weekends off.

As someone who worked really hard to network and produce solid results without much pay, I feel proud about the grit and determination I developed over those early years. 

But the rubber band had been stretched, and it was time to let go and let it fly, and if I stretched it any further, something may have snapped. So I started taking weekends off. 

But somewhere, a workaholic whisper taunted me. I started to wonder if I lost my edge. 

Well, I just crushed the copy and design for a 27-page storyboard in 3 hours this morning for a big campaign I’m producing in early July. And it was no problem. I got right back in the game and drained the three pointer at the buzzer.

My take? Take the weekend off. 

You won’t lose your edge. This isn’t professional sports. You can get back to the level of focus and performance you developed easily. All the work you put in and the skills you developed are waiting for you. And what are they even for if you can’t enjoy your life? 

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