Oat Milk and Marketing


Oat milk didn’t start a shoving match with cow’s milk on the supermarket shelves. It didn’t disguise itself as regular milk in a plastic jug. Oat milk didn’t ask people to make a big switch in their life. 

Oat milk just started hanging out with the hipsters at third wave coffee shops. 

Now the global oat milk market size is over $3.7 billion. 

Tesla didn’t start selling in car lots. They never lined up next to Fords and Toyotas. Tesla just made a really fast electric car and started selling in it shopping malls. 

Changing a global customer mindset is almost impossible through marketing. We see insurance companies and mattress companies and beer brands effectively throwing tomatoes at each other in a battle for the top, trying to change customer opinions. But consumer attitudes remain largely unchanged. 

But when my friend asked me if I had ever tried oat milk, and I hadn’t, I felt like I should. So I did. And it was tasty. And I didn’t feel bloated afterward. And now I’m a believer. 

If you feel daunted by the prospect of challenging giants in your industry, and trying to change consumer attitudes along the way, don’t. 

There’s probably a back door into the industry you’re trying to disrupt. 

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