Assume the Opposite

If you want to be more accurate, you’ll do well assuming that you aren’t accurate. You’ll build redundancies into your workflows and double check everything, and that will greatly increase your accuracy. 

If you want to be more humble, you’ll do well assuming your default state is arrogance. That’ll cause you to think before you speak.

If you want to be more fit, or eat healthier, or spend less time online, assume you’ll fall back into old habits. 

When we assume the best of ourselves in areas we’d like to change, we often end up falling for the things we always do. 

But what happens when you start to become more accurate, or more fit, or more humble? You begin to predict that you’ll continue to be that way. And then you’ll make the same mistakes again. 

It’s magnificently ironic. 

And it’s just the way life works. 

Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


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