Ads Review - Nike Product Photo Slideshow Videos

When you think of Nike, you think of a brand marketing giant. You think of the shoe company that sponsors the best athletes in the world, creates meaningful films in times of crisis, and has a loud voice about social issues. But if you were to guess what kind of ads they run most often on Facebook and Instagram, what would you say? If you guessed cut-downs of their brand films, or pictures of their athletes, or updates on social issues, you would be wrong. So what do they run most commonly? 

Product photo slideshow videos. 

In this week’s ads review, I’ll break down Nike’s product photo slideshow videos and explain a few ideas you can incorporate in your own ads. 


Why they work

Quality product photos 

All of Nike’s product photos look amazing. Classic, crisp, clean. The shoes look like they’re in motion even when they’re just sitting on a white sheet. The colors are pure. The subtle highlights and shadows bring out the design in the best way. Having high quality-images is the first step to really marketing a product. 

With the decreasing cost of high-quality photo and editing equipment, there’s really no excuse for any brand to have mediocre product photos anymore. Follow Nike’s lead here with your own product photos. Take the time to learn how to do it right, or find someone who can. 

Product lift

A big goal of digital advertising is what marketers call “lift.” Lift is the customer’s ability to remember a brand or a product 24 hours after seeing an ad. 

One of the main ways to increase lift is to increase frequency, which just means showing people an ad multiple times. An ad that features the product heavily will increase product lift, which is exactly what these ads do for Nike. The theory is not complex. If you spend your advertising dollars making people look at your product, they’ll be more likely to remember and recognize your product. 


Finally, these ads are clear as day. No one is confused as to what these ads are selling. Customers can easily decide if they like what they see or not.

Every piece of marketing has a goal. The goal of these ads is to sell shoes, and they obviously do it very well for Nike, or they wouldn’t be running so many of them. Get really clear about the goal of your campaign, and then create an ad that achieves it.

Good luck out there, and happy marketing!

Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


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