Poetry About Moderation


“Pops told me never see something and utter ‘never me.’”
–Kota The Friend, 200 Dollars

This lyric struck me recently.

It’s difficult to make a compelling artistic statement about moderation. But Kota The Friend did in this lyric. 

This lyric reminds me to stay humble. The people I pity, and the people I’m tempted feel better than, are still people. They’ve got insecurities, and vices, and difficulties, just like I do. The fate I swear I’ll avoid today could become my reality tomorrow. I mustn’t look down on others, and instead, I must be grateful for my reality every day. 

This lyric reminds me to keep working toward my goals. The people I look up to, and the people I’m tempted to envy, are still people. They’ve got two hands, and one brain, and 24 hours each day, just like I do. The dreams I have and the hopes I have for my life are achievable. I must work toward my goals every day. 

Never see something and utter “never me.” 

We’re all people, and anything can happen. 

Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


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