Why You Should Beat Your Head Against A Wall

Sometimes you need to beat your head against the wall to dislodge all the bad ideas.

I’m doing a lot of work to revamp my blog in 2022. I’m taking big steps to make it a meaningful income generator. As I research email list-building strategies, SEO optimizations, and customer personas, I’m faced with a strong feeling: why wasn’t I doing this already? Much of what I’m learning right now seems so simple and obvious. 

My blog has been growing substantially over the past year, but my readership still isn’t large enough to generate meaningful income yet. I’ve often wondered how I can increase my readership and email conversions. I felt like I was beating my head against the wall, trying to understand why I didn’t have more readers. 

Now, everything seems so simple, and I have a great plan. The funny thing is, none of these new ideas are completely revolutionary to me. I’ve heard of them and seen them around in various forms over the past few years. They just never sank in. Now that I’ve beat my head against the wall, the bad ideas are falling away, and I have space to adopt the new ones. 

If you feel like you’re experiencing a block, keep pushing through it. The tension and frustration you feel now is necessary to open up your mind to new ideas and new strategies. 

Good luck out there. 


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