3 Copywriting Elements Every Freelance Website Must Have


If you’re a freelancer, you probably have a freelance website. But unless you’re a freelance copywriter (like me) you probably don’t know what to write on that website. Fear not. I’m a freelance copywriter and I’ve written copy for dozens of freelance and small business websites. And I’m here to show you the three copywriting elements that will make your site more clear, and increase revenue by calling potential customers to take action. 

A Great One-Liner 

Above all else, make sure you have a great one-liner on the very top banner of your home page. It should be the first thing people see when they arrive at your site. What does a great one-liner do? It clearly explains exactly what you do, and who you do it for. If I’m a plumber in Calabasas, I would write something like Speedy, professional plumbing services in Calabasas and beyond! If I was a concert videographer, I would write something like Top-tier concert and tour videography available world-wide! 

It’s tempting to get creative with the one-liner. Don’t. There’s plenty of time for creativity and brand-building later on in your site. If your one-liner doesn’t make it clear what you do and who you serve, you’re missing out on new clients. Don’t believe me? Check your website’s bounce rates. People are probably confused by what you do upon first glance. 

A Contact Call-to-Action

After the clear one-liner, the next most important thing is a contact call-to-action. There should be at least one button on virtually every page of your website that visitors can click to get in touch with you. You can be creative here with something like Let’s Do This, or Get Stellar Video Content. Or you can keep it classic with a simple Contact, or Get In Touch. 

The theory behind contact calls-to-action is that your website presents a solution to their problem, and then the button gives them an opportunity to attain that solution. Hiring someone new is already a big mental hurdle to overcome–don’t make it any more difficult by making it hard to contact you. 

A Customer Storyline 

The third most important thing to have is a customer storyline. Don’t work on this until you have a great one-liner and contact calls-to-action. A customer storyline outlines the complete journey of your potential customers, and it has a few main elements. It begins by recognizing who your customers are, and what problems they face. Then, it positions you as the one who can solve those problems with the plan you have in place. Finally, it calls them to action so they can avoid failure and achieve success. 

Wondering what this looks like? Take a peek at the first paragraph of this blog! I outlined the person you are and the problems you face, then offered my expertise as the solution to help you achieve success with your own website. This process comes from Donald Miller’s Storybrand Framework. Check it out here.

I’m sure your work speaks for itself. But the only way to make sure everyone hears the same thing from your website is to add great copywriting. Start with these three elements and then see the results. Good luck out there! 

Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


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