The Greatest Asset We Have


The greatest asset we have is many, many days. 

We can try to accomplish our goals in a long, sustained work session. We can try to actualize our dreams in a flurry, chasing them as fast as possible. We can aim to achieve our ambitions through completely clear decision-making. But we don’t have what it takes to do any of this. Humans are not gifted with unlimited focus. As the night forges on, and the caffeine wears off, we become susceptible to distraction. We aren’t gifted with incredible speed. As fast as we can learn to type, and write, and code, and drive, it’s still not quick enough to create anything substantial in a short period of time. And even though we pursue it, we still can’t make decision with complete clarity. Humans are prone to dozens of cognitive biases and decision-making deficiencies, based on emotion and past experience. 

The greatest gift we have is many, many days. 

Now, of course the number of days we have is never guaranteed. But even for those unlucky enough to see their lives end prematurely are still gifted with hundreds of days over the course of a year, and thousands over the course of a decade. And this is our greatest asset as humans. It’s our gift. The sun sets every night, and rises again the next day, and it has for thousands and thousands of years. And with each new day comes renewed focus, and increased efficiency, and new lessons learned. 

You can try to fight the passage of time with the gifts you have. Or you can leverage the passage of time to your advantage. Split up your goals and your projects into dozens, or hundreds of parts. And do one every day. 

Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


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