How To Create Customer Personas


I’ve been learning how to create customer personas for a few brands I’ve been working with. Customer personas are internal write-ups on the kind of people your brand’s ideal customers are. It’s best to describe, in great detail, 3-5 different customer segments of who you are trying to reach. 

The reason for this is as humans we can’t really see our nebulous “customers.” Instead, we think of a friend, or ourselves, or someone we’ve met who uses our products. So instead of letting our brains snap to the closest person we know, we should design more accurate customer personas.

I found a great resource for customer personas over at Column Five. Column Five is (in their own words) “a creative content agency based in Southern California and Brooklyn [that] helps brands discover and tell their best stories.”

I’ve been filling it out for you–my readers! I’ll link their guide here for you to check out if you’re interested. 

Have a great night!

Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


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