How To Work on a Sunday Without Getting Riled Up


Today’s a Sunday and I have to work. 

I don’t like to work on Sundays. But sometimes, work has to get done. 

I’ve put a lot of thought and experimentation into rest. Moderation with work and leisure is a top tier value to me, and I prefer to do both with intention. If this were a Monday morning, I would have my caffeine just before I write, I’d eat a square meal just before I plan my day, and I’d put on motivational music to carry me through the afternoon. 

But today’s not a Monday morning. I don’t like to kick my brain into fifth gear when there’s work to do on Sundays, because it can be hard for me to come back down. A while ago, I asked myself, how can I get things done on Sunday without getting riled up?

They key for me is just that. I simply don’t do the things that get me riled up. I take a slow morning. I put on slow music. I chip away at things while I watch baseball. I don’t worry if things take a little longer than they could if I was at 100% focus. The key is to keep a restful mind-state while you take care of what you need to. 

Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


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