The Secret Sauce


My brother gave me a cast iron skillet for my birthday. I’ve been cooking with it for a few months. The tricky thing with a cast iron skillet is that you have to clean it just the right way. If you don’t, it’ll rust. 

I didn’t want to get my new skillet rusty, so I googled some tips on the best way to keep a cast iron. The cast iron blogosphere? It’s extensive. People write about cast iron care with the same fervor as infant care. Don’t use a brush! Don’t use soap! Don’t let it air dry! Don’t scrape the seasoning off! People are passionate. 

The thing main thing I’ve learned about keeping a cast iron is to never wash it with soap. The internet is flush with food bloggers who claim they have “the secret sauce,” or the perfect way to get the most flavor out of a skillet. 

I’m not so sure. I just think cast irons produce more flavor because you never really wash them. That’s it. 

The internet is also flush with with freelance and entrepreneurial gurus. I’ve taken a few courses. Traded my email for a few PDFs. Watched a few how-to videos. They’re all saying different things, and they’re saying it with a passion. 

My take? You just gotta do something. Just as the cast iron compounds flavor over time, freelancers compound their chances of success over time. The savory flavor from the burgers I cooked last week will show up in next weekend’s eggs. The insights I gained from last week’s failed pitch will help me win my pitch next week. 

Stay in it. Keep cooking. Success will come. 

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Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


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