What To Do When Things Don't Make Sense

Something might not make sense to you in this moment. You might read something, hear something, or try something that doesn’t make sense. Maybe you try something that doesn’t work. 

That’s ok. 

That could mean one of two things. One, it could mean that this isn’t the right path for you. That’s useful information. Take it, apply it to similar situations, and keep moving. Or two, this thing that doesn’t make sense simply doesn’t make sense right now. 

I’m reading a book that I bought and read two years ago. Two years ago I couldn’t finish it. It was too heady, too focused. Now, I’m loving it. I’m learning so much. It’s right where I need to be. 

This is why we must take successes, failures, and confusions as equal opportunities to feel, understand, and learn. A failure now might lead to a success in the future. Confusion now might become clarity later. We can’t write off our experiences, or shove them down, hoping the negative ones go away. Take every experience and file it. 

You never know when something will click. 


Book Review: One Line A Day Journal


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