The best part of the movie

Adam Sandler Hustle Monologue

The best part of a movie is the monologue. 

The main character finally decides to speak up, inspire their companions, and face up to the challenge. These scenes give us chills, and live long lives in our minds after the credits roll. 

Monologues are meaningful—in part because they’re well-written and strategically placed. But they’re mostly inspiring because they’re shot all in one take. The actor has to fully become the character for a powerful sequence of sixty seconds or more. 

This has me thinking about the creative process. Certainly, all the story elements that set up a powerful monologue must be meticulously arranged and edited. Movie scenes need to be cut with precision and a vision, down to the millisecond in order to convey the right emotion. 

Yet even with all these tools available, the monologue must stand on its own. The monologue must be delivered with conviction in a flow state. 

Every creative work must incorporate both elements: the edited and the unfiltered. The quick cuts and the monologue. 

So hone your skills. Tighten up your process. Edit like crazy.

But when it comes time to give the monologue…

Just get out of the way. 


Don’t forget! We are organisms


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