Stop worrying about people stealing your ideas

A sign telling people to beware for when someone steals your creative idea

If you’re an independent creator, don’t worry about anyone stealing your ideas. The gap between an idea and reality is so large, and requires so much hard work and sacrifice, that it almost doesn’t matter if anyone else knows. Because the people who steal ideas usually aren’t the people who have the determination to make them happen. Plus, once your idea is out there, it’s fair game for anyone to copy without you even knowing it. 

Big tech companies worry about their intellectual property, because their competition is ruthless, and has the resources to make expensive ideas happen quickly. You don’t have this kind of competition. 

This isn’t to say you should go around shouting your ideas on the street, or telling every person you know about what you plan to do. This is simply to say that all the time you spend wondering and worrying about your acquaintances stealing your ideas is wasted. The real race begins after the idea, and time spent worrying is time not spent working on it. The real differentiator is not the idea, but the elbow grease it takes to make that idea happen. 

Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


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