Fuel The Fire (Film Festival)

A few weeks ago I was having lunch with a comedian friend and she asked me if I wanted to start producing narrative pieces. 

I’ve produced a ton of commercial pieces and music videos, but I haven’t produced anything narrative. 

I told her no. 

On one hand, I’m a big nerd for advertising. I don’t just do it because I think it’s a cool job. I do it because I love ads. I would never upgrade to YouTube premium. I love seeing thee ads. I can remember many TV ads from my childhood vividly. 

But on the other hand, I know how difficult narrative work can be. It’s easy to get a hot model to run on the beach with a product. But it’s hard to establish likable character and get the audience to empathize with them. Part of the reason I haven’t done anything narrative is because I know there are thousands of people more talented than me already trying to do it. 

About a week after I had lunch with my friend, my cousin called me. He was writing a narrative short and wanted my help. After a series of four or five one-hour phone calls, we had a script written. The next week, we shot it. We’re editing it this week, and we’re showing it next weekend. 

We did all this for his new film festival called Fuel The Fire. My cousin and many people in his network are in the same boat as me. We do a lot of commercial work and have no time for anything narrative. My cousin started this festival to give him and his buddies a chance to sharpen their chops on the narrative side. 

We didn’t have enough time to write this thing. We didn’t take that much time to shoot it. And we don’t have enough time to edit it. But we’re doing it anyway. I’m excited to show this project in person at the festival. 

I’m coming to believe that an in-person experience of a small-budget story will live longer in the hearts and minds of my peers than a digital experience of a big-budget ad. 

If you want to join us, it’s on July 8th, 2023 at The Miracle Theater in Inglewood at 6pm. Get your tickets here. 

Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


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