Embrace boredom, become great

To do something well, it needs to be boring. 

You can’t be excited or thrilled or jittery. 

To do something really well, and to do it exceptionally again and again, you need to have done it before. You need to be fully in the zone, knowing exactly what to expect, having delivered on the exact same kind of thing in the past. There can be no surprises. 

This goes against much of our digital experience. 

Content trends push visuals to always be iterating, always be testing, always be changing things up. Capitalism and consumerism challenge us to not be in the same place for too long. 

But when you’re on a flight or getting a surgery, you don’t want someone who “just switched it up” or is “giving the whole doctor thing a shot.” You want someone who has done it before. You want someone who is a little bored. You want someone who has seen your situation a hundred times before. 

You desire excellence. You want to be great at your craft. If you’re unwilling to embrace a little boredom along the way to getting there, you might not ever get there. 


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