How To Transfer Success Between Mediums as A Freelancer

It’s easier to transfer success from one area to another than it is to build success in multiple areas at the same time. 

You see freelancers try to build success in multiple areas with websites that promote too many services. If your freelance website promotes photo and video and graphic design and creative development and animation, people start to think you’re just hustling. They start to think you might not be that good at any of them. 

But if your freelance website is focused on one thing, and you get a gig for that thing, and you knock the project out of the park, your client will start asking if you can do other things. Because they want someone who can knock it out of the park in another area too.

When they were hiring you, and they didn’t know you, they needed clarity and confidence that you could deliver on the one thing they were hiring you for. But now that you’ve delivered, the trust is there, and you can transfer success from one area to another. 

The same thing works with audiences on social profiles. It’s really easy for a big Instagrammer to start a YouTube channel, an online class, or a podcast, because they’ve already built trust with their audience. But if a creator starts out by trying to post on every platform, it’ll be really hard for them to sustain success across all of them. 

My advice to young creators and freelancers is to niche down. Pick one thing that you’ll market yourself for. The fear in doing this is that you’ll miss out on other opportunities. But trust me. You’ll miss out on every opportunity if you try to be the ultimate utility player before you’ve had any success. 

Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


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