Invest In Your Education


Invest in your education. 

I don’t mean this in an old world, fancy college kind of way. 

I mean this in a skip-the-movie-and-buy-a-book-instead kind of way. I mean this in a take the time to do the reading kind of way. Research the rabbit hole on YouTube. Buy the online class from the creator you admire. That kind of thing.

In the best-case scenario, you’ll get a return on your investment. Even if you break even, you’ll have added value to yourself and taken a risk on yourself. That’s a good feeling. In the worst-case scenario, you lose money to learn a little bit. And that’s ok too. 

The mind is an amazing thing that can take you amazing places. Invest in it.

Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


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