Pep Talk For A Busy Week


I’ve got a lot to do the next few days. I had a relatively busy week already, and then another project fell in my lap yesterday. Now I’ve got a really busy week (and weekend).

I gave myself a pep talk in the shower today. I told myself that success this week depends on short bursts of immense focus. Setting a timer for 45 minutes, and rifling through tasks one by one, with a singular focus, like I was shooting targets at a county fair game.

Part two of my pep talk was telling myself that time is only on my side if I use it. It’s better to make a connection early, to get the ball rolling, even if I don’t know the entire game plan yet, than it is to wait for the whole plan to be in place before I connect with someone. Time fosters more options and better decisions. A lack of time inspires last-minute movement, but with the quality of decisions in the last minute is always worse.

I didn’t say this during my pep talk, but I’ll tell it to myself and to you now: You can do it. That’s important to remember. Everything has worked out so far, and things will continue to work out. You can do it. 

Good luck out there.

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Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


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