No Mental Ovens Or Stoves Left On

“I imagine a world where my day contains no unclosed sessions. No mental ovens or stoves left on accidentally.”
-My Brother

My brother is blogging now.

He’s still getting his website up to speed, so I’ll spare him the backlink until he replaces the lorem ipsum contact page.

Those who know my brother know that his blog is about to be a gold mine. Those who knew us growing up know that the reason I have challenged myself intellectually in the way I have is because he did first. I talk more about that in this podcast, if you’re interested.

This quote is from one of his initial posts about session closure. He encourages his readers (and in turn, I encourage my readers) to properly close out work sessions before calling it a day. No tabs left open. No notebooks left open. No runaway trains of thought.

For those having trouble leaving work at their desks in the work from home era, take it from my brother. The physical and mental act of closing sessions, putting gear away, and making notes for the next day is the best place to start.

P.S. I’ll add backlinks to this post once his blog is up, but in the meantime, enjoy the mystery.

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Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


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