You Don’t Get Put On, You Get Connected

The age of gatekeepers is over. You don’t need an industry executive uncle to give you a shot anymore. You can go straight to the fans, creating meaningful, niche content just for them. They will watch, read, listen, and pay you for it. This is the digital age. 

This isn’t to say that a network isn’t important, or that you shouldn’t try to get to know people. Many digital creators have stories of people in their network giving them a shot. But those people didn’t put them on. They merely connected them. 

When you get put on, people with lots of power in high industry positions tell everyone you’re worthy of being listened to. With enough marketing dollars, that becomes true. Skill has very little to do with it.

When you get connected, you merely get a shot at showing people in the industry that your work is worth it. Just because you have a connection doesn’t mean you’re guaranteed success. You have to hone your craft until it deserves success, and believe in your work enough to deliver. Skill has everything to do with it.

So keep working. Keep honing your craft, becoming more skilled each day. Grow an audience on your own. Then, when you get connected, make the most of it. 

Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


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