Why A Producer Should Be Your Best Friend

If you’re a videographer, a producer should be your best friend. If you’re a gaffer, a set designer, an AC, a DP, a DIT or a PA, a producer should be your best friend. 

If you’re not in the film industry, this might sound like jargon to you. But here’s what’s true for everyone: People like working with good, kind people. 

Networking is a lot less about shaking hands, wearing the right thing, and making elevator pitches. Networking is a lot more about finding people a few years ahead of you in your industry and being kind to them. Find people who are in a position to hire or refer you, and ask to take them to lunch. Invite them to a party. 

There are hundreds of thousands of working professionals in your industry who aren’t famous, and who don’t have an audience. But they get hired all the time. How? They’re connected to maybe half a dozen people who can hire them. 

Stop wishing you had more followers, and go buy a producer lunch. 

Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


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