How To Network


The longer you stay in the space, the greater your chances of success. Many people start on a creative path, and start building a network, but they don’t stick with it long enough for that network to bring value back to them. 

When I first started freelancing, I lamented my lack of a strong network. I knew a lot of people, sure. I cultivated strong relationships. But none of them were in a position to hire me. 

Fast forward four years. Many of my connections from college and my early days in LA are landing decision-making roles at their companies. I had good interactions with them early on, and stayed in the space, so now they’re hitting me up for work.

There’s hardly a strategy to waiting half of a decade for your connections to get budgets. You have to find ways to make money in the meantime. But there is a lesson here: Be nice and hang in there. Don’t give up. 

The longer you stay in the space, the greater your chances of success.

Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


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