Don’t Be A Sucker For Morning Routine Content

Don’t be a sucker for morning routine content. 

I love morning routine content. It’s genuinely entertaining and enjoyable for me to read how Jeff Bezos spends his mornings, or watch how Matt D’Avella makes his coffee. Even if some of it has become pretty cringeworthy, I think it’s valuable to watch how others optimize their lives. 

I don’t want to become a sucker for it though.

Unless you’re a robot (and Elon Musk just might be, by the way), you won’t achieve your morning routine perfectly every day. I sure don’t. You’ll sleep in. You’ll feel bummed out. You’ll check Instagram. You’ll skip breakfast because you have to run out the door. That’s ok. It happens. 

People who herald the morning routine as the only way to be productive are probably so lost without their routines that they can’t be productive without them. Most people aren’t like that, and that probably isn’t you. Most people can function just fine without one. 

With everything, take what’s helpful, leave the rest. It’s your life, which means it’s yours to optimize and enjoy as you like. 

Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


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