The Best Ways to Hide

I have a friend who daydreams about being successful every day. He’s got it all laid out in his head, and won’t sacrifice his vision. But he’s unwilling to take the major steps to get there. He’s hiding. 

I have another friend who can’t publish a creative project of her own. She creates amazing work all day long, and her apartment is plastered with incredible drawings, writings, and inventions. But she’s unwilling to publish them. She’s hiding. 

I have another friend who has all the creative skills a six-figure freelancer could hope for. He can design, write, model, film, photograph, edit, sing, record. But he’s unwilling to pitch a solid rate to profitable companies for his services. He’s hiding. 

There’s nothing wrong with daydreaming, with keeping work to yourself, or with not making much money. But if your dream is to make a living as a creator, you should realize that these are often the best ways to hide. 

Even I hide. I publish a blog every day and I’m approaching a 200-day publishing streak. But I just can’t find it in myself to sit down and map out my first book. I’m unwilling to take myself seriously enough as a writer to start a project I know I’ll have to charge for. I’m hiding.

The ones who “tried but never made it” are usually the ones who were unwilling to come out from their hiding places. The ones who make it are usually the ones who stop hiding and are willing to just go for it. 

I’m going to be like the ones who make it this week. I’m going to outline that book.

Will you join me?

Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


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