What if Rejection Didn’t Bother You?

I wanted to discuss a theory of outreach with you. Maybe this is closer to a theory of rejection. The idea is this: The one who can stand the most rejection can have anything they want. The one who can reach out to one hundred, one thousand, or even ten thousand brands, paying no attention to the overwhelming majority of rejection, is the one who can grow their career at will. 

The reason there are so few people like this is because rejection is a difficult thing to swallow. We get discouraged. When a client ghosts us, or when we get let go, or when a rejection letter keeps us from our dream school, we are disheartened. We lose focus and we lose faith. 

And beyond this, there’s a chorus of voices in our head telling us to settle. They say it’s better to play it safe. To let your dreams go. To find a stable job. But imagine for a second: what if rejection didn’t bother you? What if you could reach out to 1,000 brands, and be rejected by 999 of them, and then finally win the business of the 1,000th? What if you weren’t tempted to quit after the 10th rejection, or the 100th? What if you could keep going, keep chasing your dreams, iterating and improving along the way, until you finally achieved what it is you’ve always wanted? 

The world belongs to people who don’t mind rejection. Because they understand that they only have one life, and they’d rather sacrifice their “perfect” scorecard than their dreams. 

Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


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