Avoid Value Clashes

The key to consistent creative output is to avoid value clashes whenever you can. 

A value clash is just that: when your values clash. You value your creative work, no doubt, but you also value family, friends, work, leisure, entertainment. When these things clash, your creative output is most likely to lose the battle.

I’ve known freelancers who have taken client calls during their 9-to-5 lunch breaks. A few years ago, I had to take a walk during a Friendsgiving in order to keep my blog publishing streak alive. Just this week, a family member of mine had to steal away from the reunion to study a new software he’s learning. I could tell he valued family time and his studies, and it was hurting him to not be fully present for either. 

All of these things bring tension to your creative work. Your creativity will probably prevail a few times, but after a while, it’ll falter because you don’t want to get fired, or be disowned by your family, or lose your friends. 

So the key, again, is avoiding value clashes with effective scheduling. Usually this means waking up earlier, or staying up later than the people around you. There’s nothing wrong with pursuing consistent creativity, but it can sometimes feel this way when our values collide. For the sake of your family and your creativity, find a free time to work.

Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


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