Have You Ever Held A Grammy?

I wanted to share an excerpt from Ryan Holiday’s Stillness is the Key that I found calming recently. 

“Have you ever held a gold medal or a Grammy or a Super Bowl ring? Have you ever seen a bank balance nudging up into the seven figures? Maybe you have, maybe you possess these things yourself. If you do, then you know: They are nice but they change nothing. They are just pieces of metal, dirty paper in your pocket, or plaques on a wall. They are not made of anything strong or malleable enough to plug even the tiniest hole in a persons soul. Nor do they extend the length of one’s life even one minute. On the contrary, they may shorten it!”

On this Sunday, maybe you feel stressed. Maybe you feel like the things you’re striving for aren’t coming quickly enough. Maybe the things you’ve achieved so far don’t feel like you hoped they’d feel. 

That’s ok. They won’t make you feel whole. We know this. Stillness and peace is not found in awards and accolades and achievements. Take a moment this evening to sit and consider what you know is already true. 

Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


Clear Pitch Decks


A Response to Matt D’Avella’s “The 40 hr workweek is killing your productivity.”