My Dad Taught Me to Write


My dad taught me to write. 

I was homeschooled from 1st grade until halfway through 5th grade. My parents took turns teaching me. Mom usually focused on science and reading, and Dad usually focused on math and history. But my Dad’s favorite subject to teach was writing. 

My dad is a writer. During the time of my homeschooling, he published a book, posted a Christian devotional 5 days a week every week, and wrote 35-minute sermons for our local church every week

I have a distinct memory of learning to write from my dad. At the time it was painful, but each time I return to the memory, it becomes more and more special. 

I must have been in second or third grade, and Dad was teaching me paragraph structure. Indent the first line of each new paragraph. He had me copy a short three paragraphs to get the hang of it. After a hand-cramping 40 minutes of copying, I ran over to show Dad my work–indents and all. He acknowledged the indents, but pointed out that I spelled a few words wrong. Since I was copying a pre-written paragraph, there was no excuse for that. He made me transcribe it again. 

Another 40 minutes went by, and my hand was covered in pencil graphite by this point. I made sure to spell everything correctly. I ran back to show my dad. He pointed out that I spelled the words correct this time, but forgot to indent the paragraphs. 

I was holding in frustrated tears as I transcribed it a third time. Another 40 minutes until I got it. Correct spelling and indents. I showed my dad. He approved and gave me a hug. Time for recess. 

Today I begin writing 100 blogs in 100 days. Today is also my Dad’s birthday. I share this memory because my Dad allowed me no excuses for not getting the writing done. His schedule allowed him no excuses for not getting the writing done. So now, for 100 days, I allow myself no excuses. The writing is getting done. 

Tune in every day for more. 

P.S. Happy birthday Dad. Thanks for giving me confidence. I love you. 

P.P.S. Did my dad take his birthday off from publishing? No way. Read his post from today here.

Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


The Party Test

