It’s OK to Change Your Routine

Don’t stick to a schedule for the schedule’s sake. Don’t serve a routine because it’s your routine. 

Schedules and routines can bring us needed consistency and peace. Building them requires dedication even when we don’t want to be dedicated. But a routine should always be a means to an end. It should help you accomplish something or achieve a state of mind. 

If you’re in a time in which your routine is burdensome, pause for a while. It’s ok. 

During the first few months of quarantine, my routine was shot. Usually it was a 7:15 wake up, a walk to a coffee shop, a chapter of a book, breakfast, and at my desk at 9:30. But when coffee shops closed, people stopped emailing, and sadness sunk in, my routine became burdensome. So I stopped. I started sleeping in. Taking my time in the morning. Working a little later instead.

At first it felt like all my hard work to build my routine was lost. But after a few months, I got back into my routine. And I realized my schedule and routine were more like tools in my tool belt that I could access again when I needed to. 

Now I have a new routine that helps me achieve productivity and peace. It’ll likely change again soon, and that’s ok.

Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


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