Stop Reading Books (That You Don't Like)

If you don’t like a book, put it down. Stop reading it. 

For many of us, growing up in school taught us to feel guilty about not finishing books. It made us feel like we owed the author our time. We don’t owe authors our time or attention. They owe us the respect to present their ideas in the most concise, digestible way possible. 

Books have been the best medium for delivering information for about the past 600 years. But books are just a medium. There’s nothing inherently noble about reading compared to listening to podcasts or watching videos. Now that podcasts and videos are becoming far more economical to create and distribute, many of the best ideas of our time are being delivered through those mediums. 

People will still try to make you feel bad for not reading or finishing books. But they’re just influenced by the old world cultural construct. The important thing is being a lifelong learner, and whichever medium helps you accomplish that is the medium you should consume the most. 

I will, however, make one petition for books. Since you’ve been forced to read books that didn’t appeal to you, your feeling towards reading is likely tainted by obligation and guilt. I encourage you to recognize the ways school teachers have made you feel bad for not reading books that, quite frankly, weren’t written for you. Challenge those feelings, and find books that are your kind of books. 

There are writers who speak your language. There are authors who write with you in mind. If you don’t like a book, put it down. Stop reading it. If only to have more time to find the authors who you are going to adore. 

Happy reading, thanks for reading my work. Grateful to have you here. 

Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


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