Deliver With Confidence

If you’re delivering creative assets, a confident delivery sets the tone for how your work will be perceived. 

It can be tempting to provide caveats because it feels like it mitigates risk. “If I only had more time. I hope this is what you want. Happy to change anything you don’t like.” But when you understand that the words and tone with which you present your work greatly affects the way your client perceives your work, it’s easy to see how caveats actually increase risk. Your client will sense your lack of confidence, and be less confident as well.

This doesn’t mean you should oversell it. Just let the client know what you’re excited about and how you feel confident in your work. 

Additionally, if there were setbacks or constraints that changed the original vision, it’s good to call those out. Let the client know the obstacle you encountered and how you got around it. Then, instill confidence that you made the best creative decision you could.

Happy delivering!

Reese Hopper

Reese Hopper is the author of What Gives You the Right to Freelance? He’s also a prolific creator on Instagram, and the editor of this website.


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